
Granted ghosts exist, if they could see us in their own dimension would they think we were haunting them?

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I find the word 'haunted' a bit perverse as I believe a lot of ghosts don't even know they have crossed over and are just going about their daily lives as though they still aren't dead, so if there was some sort of glitch and they could see us, would they react?

Have any of you investigators come across ghosts who are angry at you for tresspassing, rightfully believing you are in their space and time?

Just a thought.




  1. I agree with the above.  "If ghosts exist" is a better way of asking the question.  I personally don't believe in the existence of ghosts, defined as being the "spirits" of departed human beings.  I do, however, believe that there is a supernatural world co-existing with our natural world, and within that realm are beings who, from time to time, manifest themselves as 'spirits of the departed' in order to frighten, control, or harm people mentally and sometimes physically.  

    So, to answer your question, we can't enter the realm  of demons because we are made of flesh, and I think their presence among us is purely malevolent.

    P.S.  after your edit - I think "Assuming ghosts exist" would have eliminated the discussion on their existence.  "Granted" invites controversy about their existence.  In that case, assuming ghosts exist, I think looking at us from their perspective is a very interesting question, and one for any imaginative mind, regardless of personal beliefs.

  2. You are right and wrong IMO.

    They do see us and communicate with us in many ways . I am a ghost hunter and how we get them to communicate is by asking " Is anyone here who would like to speak?" "Whats your name ?" that kind of thing. They answer yes usually and allot say "Shut up" or " "Go Away"

    No they are not living normal lives , they are stuck and trapped and most want help. Quite often they say "Help me" and in pictures seem in agony , stuck, and confused.

    Yes most hauntings seem to be because the ghost still feels like the property is theres and they dont want the new owners or tennants living there , so they play tricks and do mischief to try to make them leave and scare them.

  3. Yes, they very well might. A very informative book on this subject is called "Flatland". It's main purpose it to explain dimensions but is presented in a fictional story.


  4. I have to admit that some of the answers are quite interesting.

    However, NOT all spirits are "earthbound" nor are they in the same dimension.

    Everyone will have an "opinion" on this, but that is all it is.

    Personally tho, I do feel that some will continue on with their lives in a time or dimension that they are familiar with.  Those are the ones that don't know they have passed.  

    In these situations, care must be taken because they will become confussed & aggitated to hearing someone try to speak.

    This is a great question!  This reminds me of a GH episode at the Mount Washington Hotel.

    The guy did a bad job copying this, but this is the part with the Princess.

    When we meet one of these, we aren't necessarily "trespassing" on their space.  Once again, they are not even aware that they have passed.

  5. This is like a critical thinking question "if" ghost's exist.

    "if" they do then yes they may think we are haunting them.

    "if" they exist, what do they eat, what fuels them, do they sleep, what powers their mind, do they have cerebral or cognitive function?

    Ghost's are yet to be proven in any clinical studies in the history of mankind.

  6. Ghost are from our or an lower dimension, some can see us. What many people don't realize is some are just as scared and confused as we are of them, Is one reason why they do what they do, and another why they go to you when your asleep. Your spirit is always awake while your a sleep, some ghost and spirits from other dimensions can communicate to some degree with out you being aware of it. It's only when my third eye opens while asleep am I aware of it. I wonder just how many times does it actually happen when we sleep.

    It's the residual, imprint haunting that seemingly tend not to know we are there.

  7. Not at all. My humble perception is that we are the beginners in this mystery of life; they have more insight. Some of them know they've crossed over, some don't. The things we witness are just the 'way things are', and we shouldn't place too much egocentric energy on the whys and wherefores. Observe and report, don't try to control. When we were in pre-school, did we try to say what was what? I'm enjoying the wonder without fear.

  8. the human souls need peace.those who believe in chrisst have promise of salvation and redemption.hoe ever,there were humans who eree killed bec. of catastrophies or crimes.thay need justice!i am sure they want justice through prayer and other rituals who are on the side of GOD.their dimension is different from physical beings that is why even though they can make noise or movements of things ,they cannot tell words to physical one,since they are assigned already to diff. dimensions!the holy words and names are best tools to control them.never attemp to communicate with them for they want also want someone to be with them!(deceitful!)i will tell you a holy oracle that ward them away. Murmurlum Murmurtum Murciatum! Good luck!

  9. Ghosts are spirits, those who haven't crossed over. They are earth bound. So we are all in the same dimension.

    Some know they are dead, some don't. There are different types of hunting's.

    1). Residual, doing what they did before they died, unaware of the presents of the living.

    2). Intelligent, the ones who know you are there and they see you and you them.

    Mostly they see things as they were before they died, and can see the changes of a building when it is remodeled. They know you are still alive, and that's what they want, to live to.

  10. Like that movie,The Others, with Nicole Kidman? I wonder that too. could they think they're alive when they can't eat and people don't respond to them and they don't use the bathroom? There are just some things you have to do when when you're alive that you don't do when you're a ghost.

      I wonder that about churches. People get so attached to them. Who would claim them after they die...the congregation or the priests ? Maybe that's who we "hear" at church when we think it's God answering us.

  11. I believe in spirits and have had quite a few experiences even people who don't believe have had experiences.. My view is there are dimensions and occassionally spirits cross over also a spirit can speak with you and if you are intuned you can pick it up but not all people can. Spirits are around us and come and go as they want - I think there are other orlds out there where spirits exist but its very very complex. Getting back to your question I bought an old family home  1 owner and I saw the old lady who had lived in that house for well over 60 years she looked at me and I looked at her it was if she was wandering why I was in her house with my family - she even frightened my two year old who saw her in her room which I had made into my son's room so yes maybe on some level they wander what we are doing here - I also had another experience where I was woke up by a young man in evening dress - black tie ect and he looked quite surprized it was me and backed into the corner and faded away so its not surprizing that spirits might on some level see us as intruding on their area. I think that spirits actually think and live normal lives - I remember my dad died and I thought poor dad whats going to become of him and I got a strong message back "We've got him" and knew he was with his family where he wnated to be.

    Yes I believe and hopefully you may have some experiences where you can fit the puzzle together.

    I actually do think they are having normal lives as for the investigator behind - any ghost worth their salt would say " don't bother me' because you are invading their space - I have never actively gone looling for spirits they have found me and I got the general impression they were coming back for a look or to go down memory lane - I am attached to my life and my things and I may want to come back 'to see what they did to the old place!! Why not other spirits.

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