
Graphing calculator question (TI-84 Plus Silver Edition)?

by Guest60419  |  earlier

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When I hit the graph button, there are these three dots/squares (standard view) in the first quadrant. I really have no idea what they are since when I hit "Y=", there's absolutely nothing under and of the three plots. When I zoom out, there are many more (all in the first quadrant) in a sort of sinusoidal shape, but not really. Nothing is showing up for these points or whatever they are under "table". And they're not the grid dots, because I've got those turned off.

How do I get rid of these dots/squares? Do I have to reset my calculator? How do I do that? If I do that, will all the preinstalled programs on my calculator get erased?

Please help. They're quite distracting. =(




  1. Maybe you did some kind of drawing; try clrdraw in the draw menu (as long as you are sure your statplots are all off)

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