
Grapling info?

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when someone puts their leg behind yours in an attept to trip you, what do you do to counter it?




  1. r grapling with a sparing partner lean all your weight twords them using ur chest as the point of pressure. they will be forces to unwrap there leg giving u the chance to shoot. if its in a self defence situation lung ur knee up into there balls an when they fall hammer fists untill some one pulls you off.

    ahh also hand controle is extremly important in this situation dont alow them to plant there hands on you controle the wrists and force them down or backto keep them from leaning on you.

  2. If nothing else land in Jiu-Jitsu gaurd, i don't grapple but it seems logical to me. Also you could bite their ear of face to mess up their groove. Besides that if you see it coming go ape **** and get out of the situation, sometimes people underestimate the power of trhashing like an animal when cornered becasue they are so used to seeing martial arts demos on placid docile "opponents" , If they try to trip you punch, kick flail, bite freak, scream headbutt, jump away and throw him around if you can as much as possible to deter him from grabbing you unless you are a trained grappler and ground fighter, one on one going to the ground is probably the best answer if you knwo how as there is less chance of getting tapped by a lucky shot, but other wise it is usefull to keep some distance especially against a bigger guy, One time I was in a confrontation with a guy who outhweighed me by 100 pounds or more, He grabbed me and I felt he was strong enough to lift me and slam me and was about to, when I dropped on my back and started kicking him upwards in the balls repeatedly while holding his arms, until he crumpled and than I got up and ran. You have to take things as they come, if this guy would have hit me I would have been out cold, fortunately he happened to get his nuts kicked into his stomach, and I ran like a bat out of h**l. Best fightng advice I can give, just get strong and enduring because it is good for your health, than saty away from dangerous places and if you can run, if you have to fight and never give up if something is one the line than win it, its that simple, you have to wnat it more. Othe rthan that be physically stronger and more enduring and don't even fight. Peace ,and Love.

  3. Pull out your mace or morning star and smite them in the skull!!

    Seriously, though... how do they get into that position in the first place?  Also, if their leg his behind yours, then yours is also behind theirs.  

    It all depends on how your balance is.  You could close the distance, grab them about the torso, and not fight the fall, but rather use your motion and falling weight to throw that person, then control him or her on the ground.

  4. You can either step back so the attacker does not have the leverage to trip you, or step forward and and trip him because he is most likely already off balanced, or turn into him while grabbing his body and use your hips to flip him over.
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