
Grass pokemon dilemma... calling all trainers! please hurry?

by  |  earlier

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There are not a lot of grass type pokemon in this game. i did not not start out with a bulbasaur so that eliminates venusaur. i dont want to use exeggutor because gary uses it. That leaves with i believe victreebel and vileplume... which one? no legends please

btw rate my team so far (i just beat giovanni 8th gym)

Blastoise lvl 53 Gengar lvl 49

protect hynosis

ice beam (TM) shadow ball

mega punch (tutor) dream eater (TM)

hydro cannon (tutor) mean look

Arcanine lvl 51 Hitmonchan lvl 50

flamethower (TM) ice punch

extremespeed fire punch

sunny day (TM) thunderpunch

fire blast (TM) substitute (tutor)

Nidoking lvl 51

Earthquake (TM)


Sludge Bomb (TM)

Surf (HM)

victreebel or vileplume




  1. victrebell is better for offensive power but vileplume is better for irritating. also if your plannign to use this team against others, its horrible. if you are just playing to beat the game then its fine.

    also, hitnonchan is probably one of the worst pokes in the game ever. dont ever ever ever ever use it. an d if you need more info check out this website

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