
Grass seed for pasture?

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I live in north florida and I have no grass in my pasture. I don't know what kind of grass was there before. So what kind of grass seed do I need to get. Also some type of grass that is okay and safe for horses to eat.




  1. If I could get it to grow I would plant bermuda

  2. i like this question (it's a really good question that i've asked before for my own fields).

    best asnwer i have/have heard of, call you're local ag extention and ask them for their ideas.... they know more about you're area and the needs for horses/growing better grass.

  3. Florida needs warm weather grasses (I bet you could have told me that, LOL!)

    There are many types of warm weather grasses both native and imported that work well.  You can even order low prussic acid sudex and sudan grass but they are better for hay.

    The best grass I know of for the area is bermuda.  All you have to do is keep it grazed short and it should grow year round there.  You may have to give it rest periods but the stuff is phenomenal growing in hot weather, survives droughts, and is highly nutritious.  To top it all off...Horses LOVE IT!  

    I suggest some of the newer pasture types such as 'World Feeder'.  There are also several other varieties.

    Another possibility to look into is Red River Crab Grass.  Unlike Bermuda this is an annual, but all you have to do is pull the livestock off it for a month in the fall and it reseeds itself.  The advantage is that being an annual you can get something else started by not letting it go to seed and then plowing the following planting season.

    One thing your horses will be healthier if you can plant more than one type of forage.  Both these two grasses tend to choke anything else out so you would have to plant alternative forage in different pastures.

  4. fescue gros well and horses like it

    it can make them kind hot though at first

    its good though as long as you dont give it to a stud foal or pregnant mare

  5. Any is okay, but wait until the spring to grow grass so that way in the summer they will lose the fat don't do it now

  6. Google Missouri Southern Seed.  There may be a dealer near you. They have the best pasture seed on the market.  Most of the stuff at discount stores is junk, hence, wasting your money!  Ive used it, and did what the salesman said to do, and I have the best pasture around!  My neighbors even ask what I used, they went to the discount stores and are sorry they did!  Plant it once, and your done!

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