
Grassroot charities in Toronto?

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Can someone tell me what some grassroot charities are in Toronto? Non-profitable, small charities that can use $5,000? Also it has to be somewhere that high school students can visit and volunteer at. (No women/homeless shelters because of confidentiality reasons)

Anyone who's taken Grade 10 Civics will know what this is for ;)

Thank you!




  1. Food Share is a fabulous program, and they definitely meet your criteria of grassroots and registered charity.

    Food Share is not a food bank - they are an organization dedicated to promoting healthy eating for everyone by providing low-cost produce through food baskets to anyone who wants to order them, regardless of income (the cost is lower because they buy in bulk, as locally as possible, and don't make a profit as grocery stores do).

    They also promote healthy free school lunch programs in Toronto by providing salad bars to counteract greasy cafeteria fare.  They work with parents at the school to organize these programs, so it's definitely grassroots organizing we're talking about.  Not only does this help students who can't afford food and come to school hungry, but it gets all the students to eat healthier food.

    You can also volunteer there.

    Here's where you can donate money online:

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