
Gravitation <span title="..........Helpzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?">..........Helpzzzzzzzzzzz...</span>

by  |  earlier

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two uniform rods of the same length L and mass Mlying on an with separation d




  1. thus linear density is p=M/L, const G = 6.6742e-11;

    the rods are parallel;  

    elementary force is a vector dF = G*(p*du)*(p*dv) *r/|r|^3, where r=(u-v, d) is vector connecting two elementary masses p*du and p*dv, u and v being coordinates of these masses respectively, |r|=√((u-v)^2 +d^2) is the distance between them;    

    force F= G*p^2*∫ du *∫ dv (u-v, d) /√((u-v)^2 +d^2)^3 {u=0 to L, v=0 to L} =

    = continue! Will you?

  2. yes

  3. ... huh

  4. Go on...

    Seriously, that&#039;s not a question.

  5. Look if you haven&#039;t bought the book yet, how can you expect to complete the homework.

    I&#039;d bet my life the formula is in there.  This is AUGUST, for chrissake.  How in depth can you&#039;ve gotten?

  6. And....

  7. i thot this was about the yaoi anime.

  8. Hmmm, you have a problem there don&#039;t you

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