
Graviton question?

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is it possible to artificially produce gravitons and, if so, what possible use would they have?




  1. so far no one has actually produced a graviton O_O!

    there are particle physicists all over the world with big particle accelerators smashing atoms together and then looking at the itty bitty little bits to see if they can find a particle that follows the predicted behavior for a gravitron.

    a gravitron is a particle that carries the force of gravity,

    just like a photon carries electromagnetic force

    and I think a muon carries the strong force

    but the thing is scientists have discovered physical proof of photons and muons, but not a graviton

    a lot of important physics theories are depending on the discovery of the gravitron and what it does

    the one that I remember is from a nova show about string theory

    string theorist are hoping that the particle physicists discover a gravitron, and then see it dissapear in a non normal way.

    They believe that the force of gravity is so weak (compared to the other forces, trust me its weak. take a piddly little refrigerator magnet, stick it on the fridge, SEE! you have conquored the force of gravity. the electromagnetic force is MCUH stonger then gravity, and the weak force and strong force are stronger still)

    anyways, one theory is that gravity is so weak because gravitrons can travel to paralell universes O_O

    so if they see a particle that follows all know calculated properties of a gravitron and see it dissapear !

    then they have some good proof for the existance of paralel universes

    as for possible uses....

    well einstein came up with some quantum mechanics, and some other people too (can't remember their names srry T.T)

    and i bet people were like what use is it...

    well, the basics of quantum mechanics has an effect with computers, specifically LED's and transistors

    and without transistors

    no computers...

    so who KNOWS what gravitron study will bring us in the future

  2. the graviton has so far only been prediced as the particle responsible for carrying the force of gravity, we are fairly sure it exists but as of yet no one has come up with a way of even finding one, so producing one is not possible at the moment. and if we could, well it stands to reason that we would be able to produce an anti particle for it as well, if that were the case then we could make anything we wanted weigh nothing at all as long as we could make enough anti particles to cancel out the natural particles. it would make getting into space alot easier, also carrying the shopping home would be alot easier

  3. no.

    It's not even known if they exist.

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