
Gravity is just a Theory. Intelligent Falling = Science?

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A scientific Law is a generalized statement about nature, described by scientific theories.

Law of Gravity = Gravity is inversely proportional to the distance between correlating objects

Theory of Universal Gravitation & Theory of Relativity = Describes gravity as a spacetime property and the attraction of masses.

Law of gravity = a mathematical formula described by two THEORIES


As an honorary award winning member of the Institute of Intelligence through Design, I propose the 'Theory of Intelligent Falling'

To test the "Intelligent Falling THEORY" we utilize the scientific method as follows:

1. Formulate an hypothesis and make a prediction about your observations.

2. Design an experiment to test the hypothesis. The experiment must be repeatable.

3. Perform the experiment. Observe the results and produce data.

4. Repeat the experiment. Verify repeatability.

1. Overwhelming complexity and order in the universe such as star systems and formation of planets that can not be explained on the simple 4 forces of nature alone.

2. Explanatory: a classic method of induction/deduction for detecting purposely guided intelligence that formed the planets - the result of intelligent falling as opposed to random gravity.

3. Analyze the test results of designed orderly star systems vs the chaotic nature of the universe. Such as the impossibility that the chaos of gravity could from an inhabitable planet.

4. The test is repeatable, falsifiable and verifiable. Of course, much of this has to be based on observable data.

Non-theistic Universal Gravity: A long slow, unguided process of unexplanable and mysterious forces where seemingly random events give rise to ordered planets, stars, and inhabitable environments.

Intelligent Falling: Predicts that the forces of the universe is actually the characteristic of an intelligent entity, who guided matter to fall in a manner that brought about matter and life.

Gravitationalists have trouble accepting this theory because it conflicts with their atheist ideologies.

Scientists assert that gravity is unexplained, unseeable, and unmeasureable. You can only feel the 'so called' the effects of gravity through acceleration. However, gravity is utterably untestable and knownable. Evidence of gravity is merely pure speculation - speculation of a tear in time and space. Remove either element and the entire gravity idea falls apart.

Overall, we know that only intelligence could have produced the ordered universe - the rotation of planets without collision, the formation of stars without collapsing under its own weight, the creation of the earth perfectly suitable for life. The earth is at just the right distance, has just the right atmosphere, and has just the right environment and molecular elements to support life?

Is this all by chance, is this all by the randomness of gravity? The best conclusion we can infer is that a higher entity guided the matter and energy of the universe...this phenomenon dubbed "intelligent falling." We arrive at this conclusion based on the scientific foundations of inference and deductive reasoning.




  1. Well obviously, if somebody doesn't understand how something works, the only possible explanation is that god did it.

  2. Haha! Good parody of Intelligent Design

  3. Great.

    Don't let Michael Behe hear about this or he'll petition CERN to shut down the Large Hadron Collider on the grounds that it may offer a scientific explanation of gravity and is therefore an affront to God.

  4. LOL! Yes, and also the sky is blue because God colors it that way. That made me laugh... I also like a good theist joke! Next thing you know we'll have "intelligent orbiting".

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