
Grazing muzzle help?

by  |  earlier

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Bought a grazing muzzle for my mini today & would like to eventually have him wearing it during the nights to reduce his waistline as he's a very, very good doer. Looking for some ideas as to how I can put it on him nightly without it being a chasing game each time ie what kind of reward system could I possibly put into place so it's a positive thing rather than a negative thing? My horses don't have stables, they have natural shade & are on pasture 24/7. Any ideas welcome!

Thank you!

PS - I live in the tropics, Qld, Australia




  1. Use it to feed him treats for awhile...then stick blades of grass through it to get him started.  Be sure you witness him able to drink water while he is wearing it before he is turned out in it without supervision.

  2. Hello , Yes I live In queensland as well .

    well its very easy to over feed mini as I own little minis and big big HORSES AS WELL lol. I would only mussell him if he can still drink if not its cruel . but anyway musell him about 6 hours aday rather then night time if you hand feed him cut down on his food Ireally do not think it is fair to mussell as  horse full stop . as they are free animals . I would reccomend making his paddock smaller even if you have to use hot wire . he must founder whic is where the non stop eat and they will keep eating even if they feel sick . Make him a day paddock and night paddock muby make the smaller paddock with less grass his night paddock and his big paddock his day poddock I get our paddock slashed so the grass is not too long and so the horses can not founder . but I am lucky my horses don't lol . So here are a few options

    1. Make his paddock smaller and cut the grass for teh frist paddock but make sure it is enough for him to grazz during the day. then paddock 2 leave it bigger but I would suggested cuting the grass in certain places

    2. also your horse may be foundering due to eing broad I would never own just one horse has they are a herd animal and need other horsey company so does he have other horses that are freindly to him ?? try a jolly ball that you can get from Horseland . alsoI think its abuse to musell a horse because it manily coresed by bordem or loss os other horsey compan also a lack of excise muby lung him for 20 mins aday but broken up in sets so like 10 minis morning and afternoon  in  in a mini round yard like lung him with his lead rope because a lung rope with be to long or set up little jumps for him and rund with him . I can not stress enough you do not musell your mini . I have gotten people in trouble with the RSPCA for dong that and my sister works at the RSPCA people have been charged . so DONT DO IT . there are many other options .  and it is a natural thing for horses to grazz so I would run away from you to if I was him . just see his point of veiw . there MANY MANY options don't just take the easy way out it not the best for him but t easyer for you well I would go in the best instread in my horse pony shetland mini ect

    thanks hope I help I hope I did not sound rude but I hate the thought of that poor horse being  muselled

  3. I have a mare who wears one all day.

    She is out on pasture durring the day and before she goes out I put the muzzle on her and then she gets her favorite treat then gets tunrd out.

    I always give one treat after getting the muzzle in place. She loves treats and will do almost anything for them.

    She knows if she wears the muzzle she gets out on pasture. No muzzle = stuck in dry lot.

  4. maybe you should get a bucket with some food in it to shake so he comes to you then hold hes forelock as you put the mussel on then when he comes back in from the field and you take the mussel off you should give him some vegetables which are still healthy but yummy for him x

    hope that helps x

  5. First make sure that every time you approach him its not just to put the muzzle on, maybe just go and give him a brush, or some carrots or treats so that he doesnt always associate you coming to get him with getting the muzzle on.

    Also try to alter when you do put it on, you said you'd like to put it on over night? But he'll no doubt realise every evening thats what you're doing, so it may be a good idea to alternate what time you put it on.

    The best way is to get a feed bucket, shake it with a few pony nuts in so it makes a noise, put his halter on so he cant get away and then put it on. Maybe put the grazing muzzle in the bucket so he cant see that you have it ;)

    & Build up the time which hes wearing it too until he can have it on the full night.

    Hope this helps!

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