
Greasy food and diarrhea?

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can greasy/fatty foods like bacon cause diarrhea?




  1. I would guess it's what you drank with the bacon...

    A cup or two of milk, coffee or oj can start you down the wrong path.

  2. Yes it can cause it. Grease is a big factor in Irritable Bowel syndrome.

  3. I would say that if you exceeded a "regular" amount of greasy (fat) food ingest, the stomach could reject it. Thus the "Fat Diets" where you eat fat foods until your body rejects them and only process the proteins.

  4. yes if consume regular or in large quantities, and watch out for lots of carslberg export that's just as bad!

  5. generally no , but too much could dependinig on the person , hey ! nothing like a little lube to get things moving

  6. Any fatty  and greasy food can cause diarrhea.  The combination of these type of unhealthy foods along with fermented bread makes the problem worse.

    Watch a program called 'You are what you eat' by Gilliam Mckeith in BBC.  You will get to know lot of facts about fatty and greasy foods.

  7. yes it could

  8. greasy foods are known to cause diarrhea.  especially if your body is not used to eating grease.

  9. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Yes if certain things are not working correctly in your body. People that have gall bladder problems get it when they eat any greasy food.

  11. Its usually the preservatives like MSG (monosodiumglutoamate) that caused diarrhea in some people.  And theres MSG in bacon.

  12. not for me , have never had it from eating bacon

  13. Absolutely.  

    And it can be a truly individual thing.  How your body reacts to certain foods isn't going to hold true to everyone.  Also as we age some foods really start to cause problems whereas we used to be able to eat them with no problem

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