The adoption of my youngest failed. Her adoptive parents couldn't handle parenting a baby and actually "returned" her to the lawyer who handled the adoption. The attorney informed me of this and actually offered to have her returned to my care if this was what I wanted. I didn't know this happened. She said if I did not want her, that there was another couple who was looking for an infant (she is 8 months old now). So, after some nitty gritty court papers, I obtained her original birth certificate, got everything legal, and now I am parenting my baby. But she is unhappy. I know she misses the woman she knew as her mother, but I don't know how to handle this. Both me and her big sister are with her 24/7. Her extended family is all over her. Everyone is overjoyed at her return, but I am thinking that this is all very overwhelming for her. She is only a baby, and outside of lots of love and attention, is there anything else that can be done to ease her fears?