
Great 100m runners I need your help...?

by Guest61309  |  earlier

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im a 14 year old boy and my best time in the 100m is 12.14 but i can't seem to get that time again, i just ran the 100m on my road and i got 13.13 but it seems to me when i push myself to hard i dont go very fast at all but if i try to find middle ground were i am pushing hard but not hard i can go much faster. My road i also a little curved so sometimes its more a matter of trying to stay steaight but any way my question is it better not to push my self to hard or should i try as hard as i can?Is it more about keeping my form and going my hardest? What can i do to get all my times in the 100m in the 12 sec. range? I've already started lifting weight for my legs and upper body(mostly my arms). and before a race what should i be thinking of?




  1. Well, I'm 13, I run a 12.2 average. Try working on your core, your abs and definetly your quads. Also, think about how you lean at the end. Finish strong, and just think about running in a natural place, like a game.

  2. I'm 7 and i run a 11.47 u should run miles to get your endurance up.

  3. i would suggest running on a threadmill and working on your legs more

    your fast but i would beat you by miles in my prime

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