
Great Comebacks in Pool or Snooker!?

by Guest33797  |  earlier

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Everyone has witnessed at least one great comeback. Here's two from me. Both happened many years ago.

(1) At a Midwest 9-Ball tournament (race to 15) Billy Johnson was down 13-2 to Javier Franco. Johnson came back to win 15-14.

(2) In another 9-Ball match... race to 21... (3,000-dollar match) Farmington Joe was up on Boston Shorty, 20-8. Shorty won the next 13-games for the win.




  1. the greaest comeback o all time was by efren "bata" reyes against earl "the pearl" strickland. during their match dubbed as "the color of money" (it was a three day match the two pool legend). efren reyes (the magician) was trailing earl by 15 or more games (the game is a race to 120...35 games on the first day and 35 on the second day and 50 on the last day) then suddenly the impossible happened...efren rallied to beat strickland. and the legend continues...

  2. I could list dozens they are not that uncommon .Everyone I know just about has ran out a set or had one ran out on them

    Franco used to get into all our tourns but won about 10% havent seen him for a while

  3. 1997 WPA world championships in Chicago. Roger Griffis vs. Kun Fang Lee. Nine ball , race to eleven. Lee has a 10 to nothing lead and Griffis battles all the way back to tie it up with some of the most amazing shots I have ever seen. Griffis breaks in the final rack , runs all the way down to the nine , leaves himself a fairly tough ,but makeable, long shot and rattles it in the corner leaving the easy nine for Lee. He sinks it for the win. Even though Griffis didn't end up with the win that's still the greatest comeback I've ever witnessed. There were 7 other matches going on at that time , with some of the best players in the world , but nobody was paying them any attention. The whole room was focused on the comeback and when Roger rattled that final nine you could of heard a pin drop on the carpet. But when the match was over Roger was smiling as usual , shook Lees hand and wished him best of luck, what a great sport! By the way , in the finals Lee was beaten soundly by Johnny Archer. One of the best tournaments I've ever been to.

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