
Great Expectations Essay Help!?

by  |  earlier

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I have read the book...

Explain the personal impact that Pip’s expectations (make sure you understand what this refers to) have on those in his life, as well as himself. What are some of the important life lessons that Pip learns through his experience? Discuss 2 - 3 in depth.




  1. I feel that if you have read the book then you should not need any help from us.

    Also you say that you do not know how to answer us but you have answered us twice so I do not see you have any problems with answering!!!

    I hope that you do well with your great expectations essay but hope that you do it with your own merits and not the brains of people on yahoo questions and answers.

    Good luck anyway.

  2. I'm not doing your homework for you :)  This seems like a relatively easy essay.

  3. Are you asking us to answer the question for you, or are you just looking for help on how to phrase it, or on what your thesis should be?

    We aren't going to give you the answer to the question, but If you go ahead and list what your points will be, we can help you phrase it into a workable thesis, and give you tips on things you might want to focus on in your essay.

  4. Although I usually do not like seeing offtopic questions in cateories, I will cut you some slack, because you claim to be new. ;)

    For future reference, there is a homework help section for homework questions.

    Now, the easiest way to create a thesis statement is to look at your request (since it is stated) and turn it in to a question, then answer the question with one or two sentences and BAM, instant thesis statement!!



    Write a letter to your local television station producer explaining why presidential debates are ineffective.


    Why are televised  presidential debates ineffective?

    Thesis statement:

    Televised presidential debates are ineffective because.....

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