
Great Gas Savings Tips...?

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Gas is so expensive these tips may help you




  1. welll i have no cruise control...sooo  yeah

  2. When I leave the house for work on my motorcycle, I coast down the driveway.  About halfway down I start the engine.  Once I am on the road, I let out the clutch.  Since the engine has increased the rpm's due to a cold engine, I find I can shift to third gear without touching the throttle.  I can ride this way for about three blocks.  After that I have to use the throttle since the engine is starting to warm up.  

    I have looked at several sites on YouTube and on the web that discuss techniques advocated by "hypermilers".  I have been using many techniques and have seen an increase in my gas mileage.  I have increase gas mileage from 32-34 to 37-39 mpg.

    PS one of the extreme driving techniques used by some hypermilers is drafting.  I do not condone tailgating.  Especially on a motorcycle.

  3. Best techniques:

    -Keep the tires properly inflated (Do NOT overinflate!  Use the pressures listed in your left door post, NOT the maximum listed on the sidewall.  Your tires are part of the suspension and you can mess up the handling -- plus it causes abnormal wear in the center of the tread)

    -Learn to fool the transmission into short-shifting by sensing when the transmission is about to upshift and easing off on the throttle.  Sometimes you have to speed up slightly to get it to shift, but then back off.  It will stay in that higher gear.

    -Use cruise control when it's safe

    -Keep a steady throttle foot otherwise (avoid frequent minor speed changes)

    -Anticipate stops and slowing traffic, and get off the gas early (your fuel injection will cut off gas completely to cut emissions, and any foot you go with yours off the throttle is fuel-free.)

    -Don't use full throttle (except when merging onto a freeway -- it's a safety issue)

    -Fill up in the morning when the gas in the station tanks is cold and dense.

    Good luck and good motoring!

  4. Warm your car up first...In cold weather we put a newspaper in front of part of the radiator, don't drive unless u have to, carpool!...Make your friends push the car!...

  5. K.B. said warm your car up first, that's a strict no, no. You waste more gas that way than any other way.  The newspaper trick is not good one either because your thermostat takes care of that problem.  My only gas saving tip would be act like the foot feet is an egg, treat it gently and don't floor it all the time.

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