
Great Gifts for 11 year old girls?

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My bestfriends daughter is turning 11 and I have know clue what to get her besides a giftcard. My price range is between 25-125. She is girly and loves bright green and bright orange. And she is obsessed with the Jonas Brothers! But she is also into electronics!




  1. Get her a many different things. You can get her Bath and Body products or jewlery with the Jonas Brothers on them. You can get her Jonas Brothers tee shirt. Or maybe a mp3 player from $50 to $100.

  2. Maybe a Hannah Montana cd or the Jonas brothers cd  or go to wal mart and buy some nail suff  .  I  got  a  whole nale kit just walking around a grabbing  stugg.  My cost  was  $11.50

    Stuff like nail polish and stuff for  her hair  hopes that helps

  3. A bangle.

  4. get her an ipod nano. im 11 and love mine!

  5. Get her some chapstick, some toe nail polish, a nail file, some hair spray and stuff like that.

  6. The store Limited Too has a lot of really cool things with the Jonas Brothers on it.

  7. just ask her what she wants. or get her something that has to do with the jonas brothers

  8. Get her the new Jonas Brothers cd, or get her an Ipod, or some clothes. You can get her a giftcard too.

  9. my sister is 11 and she like WEBKINS!!! LIMITED TOO!!!

  10. Hmm...Get her a Wii or a Karoake machine. So the whole family can play together. It will be fun.

  11. Well, maybe a ticket to a Jonas Brothers' Concert? They are not all too pricey... Or maybe an ipod or mp3 player.

  12. ipod

  13. CLOTHES they love clothes give her a gift card to a store that sells cute stuff hollister or something

  14. mp4 so she can listen to the jonas B's and it's an electronic and its not as expensive as an ipod

  15. Like one girl said, get her an ipod. The new Ipod nano's are cute, I have a light blue one:) Their about 100$ where I live, and hold 2,000 songs. Get her an iTunes gift card along with it, about 10-15$. Since each song is 99 cents, then a 15$ gift card can get her about 15 songs.

  16. MP4 player

  17. buy a gift for someone older. say,,, someone you WONT go to prison hitting on.

  18. I'll tell you a secret. Get her a really cheap electric guitar with a really cheap amp. If she likes them so much she should try to actually do what they do. I know it seems like a bad idea but I did it. btw you moihgt have to spend about 100-150 for the really cheap ones.

  19. High School Music anything.

  20. Buy her a nintendo DS (im eleven shh.. )and my dad gave me the nintendo DS and im so happy with it , it enetertains me a lot and a jonas brothers poster

  21. Buy her concert tickets for the Jonas Brothers!

    This is really too expensive, but I thought it was a cute idea.

    Get her:

    and then try and open it without ruining the package, buy the Jonas Brother's albums, put them on her new iPod, wrap it back up, and there you go! Everything she likes. :)

    You can look here, too.

  22. Buy her clothes in bright green and orange.

  23. give her a 100 dollar gift card to target

  24. Get her this green bag (

    And fill it with this:

  25. anything hannah montana!! lol!!

  26. high school musical sing it.


    mp3 player.

    i pod.

    art supplies.


    gift card.


  27. get her an ipod shuffle and a itunes gift card for $50.00 so she could buy 50 songs on her new ipod

  28. Jonas Brothers concert tickets?

    Lip GLOSS...not lip stick but a nice clear lip gloss~

    necklaces and bracelets, maybe  a watch

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