
Great ORIGINAL and unique plays?

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I belong to a high school theatre program, we all love fun weird, eclectic, original, unique, did i mention fun ( with some serious stuff definetly) plays. For the upcoming fall plays, do you have any suggestions. Can be 2,3, or 4 one acts, or one large two-act play. No musicals for the fall plays. Any ideas would help! Links from bakers plays or any other play website would be the best!!! thank you!!




  1. Topdog/underdog is fantastic, but it's got a two-person cast, if memory serves.

    The Weir has a five-person cast (but only one woman). It also is fantastic.

    Rebecca Gilman's 'Boy Gets Girl' has a varied cast and is also cool--you could do some neat things with Tony.

    There are some modern standbys for big casts, such as the Laramie Project, too.

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