
Great Volleyball player?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 5"0

I weigh 110 pounds.

In 8th grade.

The school volleyball tryouts are coming up. This Tuesday (it's Friday right now) and I want to know some tips that will make me better and make me make the team.

More than 13 girls are trying out...and they are good...

My coach and I are close. But not THAT close...

My weak points is overhand serve. Do you think i will make it? I am really worried about me not making it and people teasing me about it. If I don't make it, got any combacks to people that tease me?

Any help anybody? Please and fast. =/

(I am not a loser.) lol. i have plently of friends and kinda popular.




  1. ok, so like, yeah, you just asked this question on the other one??  wuz up wit that??

  2. Just practice against a wall by bumping,or even better if you can get a friend to help you bump it back and forth, to practice over hand serves , first get your hand formation right, open hand, and cup it a little bit, if your right handed keep your right foot forward and use your left leg as a momentum, also bend you knees slightly and have a straight back :)

  3. if serving isn't your strong point, focus on passing. you'd be a good libero, they only play back row and are good passers, and they dont serve. they can go in for any players in back row. its their job to get the ball pretty much anywhere in the back row

  4. Just practice overhand serve and all the other skills.  But make sure that you practice your overhand to a friend or family everyday before the tryouts.  Always pinpoint your weakpoints.  When i played volleyball, i never thought i could overhand serve, but then i kept practicing and now i have a really good one.  I bet you will make the team.  Just believe in yourself and i promise you, you are gonna make the team!!!

  5. practice. lots and lots and lots of practice. i know you only have a few days, so find an open gym, go to a park, or practice at home. by yourself, with a friend or even your mom or dad. just practice passing, and setting. hitting if you can too. if you kick butt in passing, setting and hitting but you cant make a serve, they should put you on the team. since you are kinda short, practice your vertical. (jump) see how high you can reach, and try to get higher and higher. the higher you vert is, the better your hit is. grab a partner and partner pass, set to each other, pepper. do anything to practie. pass to yourself, set to yourself, hit down balls against the wall, etc. OH!  and drink lots of water. even in the few days before tryouts. good luck!

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