
Great area/city in Costa Rica that you'd recommend?

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Things to do, place to see, spots to visit..... any suggestion?

I'm looking for the right area to vacate at. I'm more of an adventure seeker so keeping that in mind I'd be happy to consider some recommendations the Yahoo community has.





  1. You have to visit the Hotel Del Rey in downtown San Jose and visit with some of the young lovlies there who greet you with a real friendly "Hey Baby! You want some company tonight"?

    They also have a Bar, Restaurant, and a Casino on the premises!


  2. Highly suggest to go online & visit visit Costa Rica forums online such as an excellent one call

    Try looking for B&B's, Bungalows, & Villas for real pleasurable stays in Costa Rica. I reccomend visiting the South Pacific coast if you love Rainforest, surf,beach life,monkeys,Toucans,beautiful avian life as well as versatil fauna, surrounded by warm temperatures. Costa Rica has multiple temperatures, due to multiple(7) sub climates.

    If you do visit the South Pacific area, I highly reccommend the Manuel Antonio area, Dominical/Dominicalito/Uvita/Ojochal & Drake Bay areas! We stayed in awesome places every time & met wonderful people! Try looking at The Monkey House when searching, or try The LookOut ( in Ojochal( tell them Sandy referred you!), also Incognito in well asVillas Rio MAr ( terrific places.

    Restaurants are of plenty, we choose Tico style food while there as well as lot's of fresh caught/cooked fish! Excellent eating places we enjoyed: La Parcela (great views too), Mallena Bellina in Uvita, The Chef's Table (fine dining/reservation only) have lodging too, see online site at: (tell them Sandy referred you)

    Citrus or Exotica in Ojochal de osa

    Stuff to do: scuba/snorkel, Whale/Dolphin watching,great deep sea fishing(but expensive), Canopy &White water Rafting, Waterfalls galore, Our favorite is the Nauyaca Waterfall Horseback absolutely breathtaking even for the non-experienced rider...just $40 for a full day 7am-2pm all meals & swim at the falls! (they also are online with mini movie of falls)

    Hope I have helped you a bit...there is so much more!

    Enjoy you visit...Pura~Vida!

    21 hours ago - Edit - Delete


    many visits to CR

    property owner there

    frequent return visits to CR =personal experience

  3. I recommend with no second thought at all; San Carlos!

    And there, try La Fortuna, beautiful area with lots of places to stay and things to do, besides of course admiring the scenic Arenal Volcano erupting (especially at night, quite a spectacle!)

  4. Okay adventure seeker, I think that the best advice given was the Osa Peninsula.

    Playa del coco - Beach town, bars, etc

    Nicoya Peninsula - Very nice, some of my favourite spots are here... very surf/ beach oriented, adventure tours are offered but as more of a side project.

    Monteverde/ Arenal - Forest, canopy tours, hanging bridges, very commercial but very good tours and service. Lot's of Adventure here.

    Osa Peninsula - 0.6% of the worlds Bio diversity, Dense rain forests, mangrove forests/ estuaries, wildlife, natural reserves, fishing, MY FAVOURITE

    I suggest going to Drake bay, or fly into Puerto Jimenez and head north towards Corcovado National park.

    All you need to know about this area of the country is here.

    Happy trails!

  5. A lot depends upon the kind of person you are and what do you want to do?  Would you like to be based at a beach or inland for example?  If inland is your answer, the La Fortuna/Arenal area would be best.  You are close to canyoning, canopy tours, rafting, wonderful reserves, Monteverde and of course the Arenal volcano.  There is good fresh water fishing in the lake.  

    If you want a beach experience, do you want a place with lots of night life and first class accomodations or do you like places that are quiet and more laid back.  For the former I would recommend either Los Suenos near Jaco or one of the resorts near Tamarindo and the Gulf of Papagayo.   If you are interested in a more peaceful place I would say somewhere like Montezuma, Mal Pais or Domincal on the Pacific side or Cahuita on the Atlantic.   If you would like a mixture of the two scenes I would probably opt for Manuel Antonio.

  6. Since Costa Rica's economy depends so much on touristic activity, most hotels have access to guided tours, suggestions on transportation, advice on safety, and many brochures.  Since you don't state how long you're going to C.R., my recommendation is to contact the hotel you'll be staying at or if you're "playing it by ear," then also "play it by ear" where you will go when you get there.  Follow the hotel's advice.  I have experienced many good fun things by doing just that.

  7. i happen to love Playa del Coco.It is in th enorth pacific and just 29 minutes away from Liberia International Airport.

    Great fishing,great surfing at Ollies Point and Witches Rock just a very short trip away by boat and great nightlife.

    I actually bought a condo there and I go at least 5 times a year.

  8. The nicoya pininsula is a great place especially the samara area.  there are surfing lessons and a hotel called bhia (i think that's how you spell it) that is cheep clean, although there's no a\c, but i stayed down there around christmas time and i didnt even use a/c (i like to adapt to the climate type) there is also the possibility of driving down south on the peninsula from there and if you want adventure this is the thing for you! you get to cross 2/3 rivers and it's all very fun.  

    if you want more info about it just go to my profile and email me i am teaming with info on this part of the region.


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