
Great at math, failing english?

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Is there anything I can do to bridge the math-english gap? I really need to get my marks up in english (year 12, Australia)




  1. read a lot of books and enhance your comprehension.

  2. u need to do a lot of reading start with the newspaper then on to a interesting story book but make sure that u do loud reading not softly be'c when u read loudly u can hear what u are reading so the mistakes can be sorted out also the pronunciation.Glad to know u are good at maths english too will come easily a little bit of hard work refer a dictationary while reading do simple sentences as well

  3. read atleast a book a week. it can be a romance or even archie comics, but read! withoput even being aware of it, your vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure will improve. only general reading can help you get familiar with language.

  4. you could maybe get a tutor to help youjust review your notes, and to teach you more things and to study with you. if not, you can have like, one of your friends who is good at english to just help you out on english. and then if you are studying for a quiz, just review, review, review. and ask people aroudn you, like your parents and everything to try to help you too.


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