
Great book for a fifth grader at a 8th grade level?

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I need a great book for a 5th grader that is at a 8th grade reading level. Something appropriate for D.E.A.R. (Drop everything and read) but also something that will keep my cousin's interest. She loves cats and likes reading about real cat stories. She also likes scary ones but yet it still needs to be appropriate for school. Thanks so much =)

Also::::::Do you think the book "The Second Summer of the Sisterhood" will be appropriate? Does it have any sexual content?





  1. I wouldn't suggest 'Twilight' for a 5th grader, even if they are at an 8th grade level. She might not 'get' it. It's a really good love story, but I dunno...I wouldn't say for a 5th grader.

    the Lemony Snicket series is AWESOME (I read it in grades 4, 5 and 6)

    There are 13 books, so it will keep her busy for a while.

    Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul, that would be a good one.

    My friend was reading the 'Warriors' series. For more info about it, visit the website I list in Sources. It's about Cats.

    Molly Moon is an awesome book! It's really good, it is sortof sci-fi, but more adventurous. It's really good. I read it for D.E.A.R. in gr.6&7.

  2. Madeline L'Engle's , A Wrinkle in Time. There is a series after this one of this family.

    Excellent reading!!

  3. Twilight would be perfect!!! Its a series that goes Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and then Breaking Dawn....... But i wouldnt suggest reading Breaking Dawn...... It has some sexual content..... but the others r great!!!! And there is a movie about the 1st book, twilight, coming out November 21st!!!!!

  4. The Second Summer of the Sisterhood does have sexual content. Lena and Kostos have s*x in the middle of the book. Around page 200 or so.

  5. out of the dust

  6. I would recommend (and have recommended) Twilight. It tells the love story of a mortal girl and that falls for a vampire. There is no s*x in it and the few kissing scenes are restrained due to the physical dangers that the young lovers encounter. The only thing that would be a worry is that there are portions of the story where the vampire goes in to the girl's room after the dad goes to sleep (no hanky panky, just a lot of meaningful talks) and this may raise questions. But, seriously I thought that it was a great book!

  7. i read a series of books about cats it was really good its called warriors and its about a house cat that runs away from his home and then makes a life as a  warrior cat with a clan of other cats. i loved it  

  8. try generation dead! great book! or, if you want to make sure it is appropriate, try 'i'd tell you i love you, but then i'd have to kill you' or 'cross my heart and hope to spy'. ummmm...... daughters of the moon is good...... so is the septimus heap series..... and definitley the eragon series. oh i love it. third book coming in september.and DEFINITLEY THE WARRIORS SERIES! there is a whole series of the originals, then there is the new prophecy, and then the power of 3, along w/ the field guide and a few other extras.  hope i helped!

  9. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

  10. Haha, sounds exactly like me at that age!

    One thing to consider is Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul - A reader at her level should have no problem with it.  It might be a bit long, but the fact that it's broken down into short stories should make it more manageable.  Plus, it's all heart-warming true stories about cats!

    Another book to consider:

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