
Great british summer weather?

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considering we had that great storm of rain last year do you think this year is going to be hot like the summer of 2003 or will be in for another dissapoiting british summer




  1. the way things are going... i'd say probably one or two hot summers day...

  2. I'm pretty optimistic that it's going to be a good summer- perhaps not as hot as 2003- but getting there!

    ..just no more rain please!! :-)

  3. Believe it or not our climate is affected by pacific ocean currents, this year is a cool year because of them. So whilst its unlikely to rain as much as it did last summer, i doubt it will be consistantly be very hot.

  4. hope it's not like last year - what a complete washout that was.

  5. well it will be like most great british days rain sun rain sun rain sun it always rains then gets sunny straight after lol

  6. Well birds are building nests in trees higher than last year, so I have every faith that this summer is going to be a good one.

    I now await comments from 'the non believers'.   :-))

  7. The weather over the British Isles is best thought of as "maritime weather".  Add to this that the prevailing wind is from the West to South West, (sucking lots of damp off the Atlantic) this means rain and lots of it.

    The Island of Britain is a damp place.

    What weather can we expect for the UK Summer 2008?

    Met Office: A typical British summer

    Apr 3, 2008 ... Summer temperatures across the UK are more likely to be warmer than ... to help everyone make the most of the weather. Summer 2008 forecast ...

    When the Met Office use phrases such as "typical British Summer", I think they're telling us to carry a plastic mac.

    Met Office: Weather and climate change

    Click on a map to see all warnings issued for the UK. Go to UK forecast ... be a 'typical British summer', according to long-range forecasts issued today. ...

    The one thing which can cause a c**p summer, are volcanic erruptions : -

    U.S. Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program

    The application deadline is March 1, 2008. For more information please see the

    ... Try your hand at predicting an eruption of Mount St. Helens volcano using ... - Cached

    Melting ice caps may trigger more volcanic eruptions - earth - 03 ...

    Apr 3, 2008 ... Melting ice caps may trigger more volcanic eruptions. 10:38 03 April 2008; news service; Catherine Brahic ... - Cached

    First Evidence Of Under-ice Volcanic Eruption In Antarctica

    Jan 22, 2008 ... 22, 2008) — The first evidence of a volcanic eruption from beneath Antarctica's

    most rapidly changing ice sheet has been reported. ...

    According to one American source, the weather in Britain is best described thus.  In UK it rains for 364 days of the year and on the last day it snows.

    Look, there's a clue in Shakespeare - "this green and pleasant land".

    You don't get 'green' without lots of rain.

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