
Great evolution debate?

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anyone know any arguments put forward by huxley and wilberforce's 'great evolution debate'?




  1. Nope.

  2. There is heaps of info out is one link...but essentially....

    Wilberforce was a bishop who believed in creationism (ie. God alone created Humans and science had nothing to do with shaping how we are).

    Huxley was a believer in Dawin's theory of evolution.  That selective pressures in the environment has shaped how the human has evolved. (A process known as natural selection)

    Huxley used good science to explain his ideas and was considered the winner of this debate.

  3. Lisa is essentially correct. Wilberforce used mostly argument from personal incredulity and a contrived notion that there is actually a debate on such an issue. In additon he used the old debate trick of showing a weakness in another's argument and stating that proves the other's argument without supplying any support. Creationists today are trying to get ID and related things into the SCIENCE classroom by the rallying cry..teach the controversy....there is NO controversy....ID and creationism ( same animal, different tuxedo ) are NOT science as explained by the National Acad of Science, American Assoc for the Advancement of Science

    and eloquently in the recent Dover decision.

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