
Great ideas needed?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying out for a social club and in order to get their signatures, you have to give them something that they ask for. Well I asked one & she told me to surprise her, meaning making her something. Any ideas ? Btw, I'm not an artist.




  1. drawing/painting

    knitting circle

    embroidery circle



    de[ends on age group!

  2. This question is very ambiguous - I'm not sure what you're saying.  Give them something...?  What does that mean?  So you need to make an art piece?  If it's a social club, why not do a table decoration out of dried flowers or found objects.  Another thing you see a lot of now is the use of letters as paintings.  You could get a canvas (they are ready-made in art shops) and stencil letters on it in different ways (maybe using the name of the club and some members names or activities).  You could make a little book of the history of the club or the building the club is in.  Or, you could make a mobile using miniatures of the things the club's involved in eg if it's a surf club they could be miniature paddles or boats.

  3. Make her a voodoo doll with a pin in the heart...

  4. Is making her some thing your opinion or is  what she asked for?, if she only said suprise her, then suprise with something else.But if she said it, then find out what she likes most then try to see how you can fulfill her request, because asking for help without even knowing what would please her is not ok.I mean you want to please her, then findout ,may be you caneven make it your self.
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