
Great place to have a party? help?

by  |  earlier

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i'm having a birthday party and since i'm graduating this year i wanna make it memorable

does anyone know a good/big place to have a birthday party like i can have lights everywhere and confetti dropping onto everyone?

around the santa barbara/l.a/o.c?

thank you :]




  1. Yeah you could always like have it at a like community church or sumthin with a lot of room. Or at your house. Or the beach. What the gurl above said sounds cool...

  2. you can have picnic party in the night, maybe on a farm or some kinds of pasture, playing with friends, drink, eat barbecue, dancing, and singing

  3. You could have a barbecue beach party. lol i dont know why im on right now i have to be rehearsing. gtg

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