
Greate britain?

by  |  earlier

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  1. great britain = england.

  2. What?

  3. London is in Great Britain... is that what you're asking?

  4. Yes, London is in Great Britiain, now known as the United Kingdom.

  5. Greate ?? Grate ?? Great ?? .......... Yep it certainly is !!!!!

  6. So?At least I'm not the only confused on this site.

  7. europe, great britian, united kingdom...all the same

  8. Very good, except its great..only one e.

  9. Yes it is.

  10., people, person, cell, atom, quark, electron. There I've completed a series for you.

  11. Hmmm. Very vague. Beings how you are in the dining category I can only assume you are interested in the food over there and the vagueness of your question leads me to beleive that it does't take much to satisfy you taste buds. If that be true, go to a "fish and chips" vendor and you will forever remember the delights of fresh cod and fries.
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