
Greatest moment in history?

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when Jesus gloriously rode into Jerusalem on a donkey of all things, did that consecrate the greatest moment this world has ever seen

Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion!

Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem!

See, your king [a] comes to you,

righteous and having salvation,

gentle and riding on a donkey,

on a colt, the foal of a donkey.




  1. no.........the resurrection was the BEST!!

  2. I think the ascension counts as the greatst momonet in history until he comes again. See Acts 1.11.

  3. When the first prehistoric humanoid looked at a rock and thought "Hang on, this will be easier if I use that".

  4. Close, but I'd have to say the Resurrection...but the Rapture will be in the running.

  5. Not really, considering if you read the rest of the story they all sold him down the river, Jesus being cheeered in to Jerusalem by a bunch of turncoats, Wowwee!

  6. a black man & white woman running for president in America

  7. billy the gogot what type of quest you are asking are you mad or nuts right now test john cena that i am ready to fight with him.

  8. No. I'd have to say the invention of the printing press.

  9. 1. Berlin wall comes down;

    2. End of apartheid

  10. 'lift up your head's all yee gaits.....and the kIng of glory will come in!'

    you are right that was one of the greatest days in the history of the world.  

  11. For it to be history, it actually has to have happened.

    To answer your question - no.  Jesus never existed.

  12. There is scant evidence for an 'historical jesus'. There is ABSOLUTELY NO evidence for a 'divine jesus'. My guess is that the event in question never happened, and that would make it a non-event in history.

  13. not really...i didnt see it..and to be honest neither did you!

  14. Greatest moment in history?

    The day I was born

  15. The greatest moment in history was when The earth was created via the big bang, not by god in seven days or what ever he did, six days and played golf on the seventh or sumthing, THE BIG BANG

  16. It will be greatest if Israel didn't tainted the Palestinian with blood in the first place.

  17. no, the greatest moment is when he returns. until then READ your bible

  18. And I thought he rode in on an ***!

    Hey! How come my asterisks aren't in capitals!

  19. We're clearly talking about fiction here, so I'll mention Gandalf coming back from the dead was pretty great, too.

  20. The building of the Pyramids trumps Jesus riding a donkey, but Woodstock beats them both.

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