
Greece Supreme Court annuls the 2012 pay cut

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The Supreme Court of Greece has revoked pay cuts imposed by the Troika 2012 (International European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund) to the police forces of the country in return for two bailouts. This decision will involve a hole of up to 500 billion euros in Greek government finances, has warned an official from the finance ministry.

The decision of the Troika implied a 10% cut in the salaries of the police and military applied in 2012. "They are a fundamental part of the state and deserve special protection," mentioned a court official told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

This process was initiated last year by several professional associations soldiers who complained that the cuts imposed by the troika to the public sector, with retroactive effect, violate the principle of proportionality and the principle of equality by not sharing the burden of adjustments between all population. On Monday, the MEGA television channel reported that the decision would have been taken almost unanimously by the full Board, but for the moment the argument of the judges is unknown.

 Tags: 2012, annuls, court, cut, Greece, pay, Supreme


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