
Greed a survival instinct?

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Is Greed a survival instinct that is passed from the time humans were hunters & gatherers




  1. It goes well earlier than that.  There is actually extensive research regarding greed, cooperation, punishment of cheaters, communication, etc.   Much of it resulting in and from complex mathematical equations.  I suggest a start with, and go from there.  See ya in ten years.

  2. The part of 'greed' that is a tendency to hoard, yes I believe so. Squirrels do hoard. But the 'more than you should' or 'more than you deserve' part sounds more like something people might be taught. A guilty conscience..

  3. no greed is a selfish instinct... hunter and gatherers often shared their food, so I wouldn't connect those two dots..

  4. i think anything alive is greedy....even certain plants can be called greedy (growing GIANT LEAVES to block out and get all the sun light it can). i dont believe being greedy is really a bad thing....i think being greedy is only bad in human eyes because we decided to go by human laws and s***w over natures laws. i  think if humans were still living in the wild with a social family group our family group wouldnt want to share a meal with another group thats just more competition (wild = no markets). s***w the other groups family! my family is more important!

  5. Yes, as much as cooperation is.

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