
Greek Black Olives vs. Green Olives?

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Can they be used inter-changeably in dishes?

Which one does Olive Oil come from: the green one or the black one?




  1. Yes green olives.   ==> made from Oleaceae which are actually green olives.

    Please pardon me asking, but how do you have 105 percent best answers?

  2. There are a few varieties of green olives used in the making of olive oil,The black or Kalamata olives are more for eating but you can also get green varities for eating depending on ones taste.I like the Kalamata or kalmon olives  they are best for the dinner table.

  3. i'm not sure about olive oil, but my guess is that it comes from green olives.

    i don't find they are interchangeable in dishes. green olives have more of a tang, stronger flavour, black olives are more smooth more of a bland kind of flavour. this could possibly have something to do with how they are pickled. i'm not sure if i ever tasted non-pickled green and black olives.

  4. Nope, they cannot be used interchangeably in dishes.Greek olives are black (Kalamata) olives with smooth skin and distinctive taste.

    Green olives are somewhat bitter and hard to bite.They are never used in Greek dishes.

  5. Yes, but you will have different dish because the flavors are different.

    Olive oil comes from the processing of the green olives.

  6. I always use them interchangeably in dishes, but when served alone, only green olives are served with oil, garlic and spices.

    Olive oil is from green olives.

  7. All olives are green.initialy...the green ones you may be referring to may be the PIMENTO olives with the red pimento stuffed in side them ..they are picked early of the tree then slit and de pitted then  stuffed with the red pimento and then cured in aspic or vinegar..ready to eat they are mostly for ordevours you can cook with them in some dishes ..some used in cocktail drinks. but they are usally made in spain or italy..not so much thought we do have larger green olives which are slit and pickled with garlic and oil and vinegar. the rest  of the olives that you see are black due to i ageing on the tree :ie they picked late you have diffrent sizes and types all balck olives are cured in difrent methods some with just salt some with sugar and salt some with just vinegar  some just coated in oil vinegar and oil and salt then cured in the sun..  all 3 countries that is the traditonal countries that make olives and olive oil are SPAIN  ITALY AND GREECE.. although in the last 15 to 20 years ,SOUTH AFRICA ,AUSTRALIA., AND CARLIFONIA.. in usa ... Some other countries like chile and some asian countries are exploring to make olives or olive far the most succsesfully of the new countries has been its climate can be like the mediterian most of the times..but you can interchange them as far as a buffet and thats about it but some certain european dishes and chesses, as chesses mostly accomapany olives ask for the right type of olive with the chesse and the dish your serving..

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