
Greek Mythology.....?

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do you think there were really greek gods and goddesses that lived in "olympia?" i honestly don't know, i don't think so but what do you guys think? I'm just curious..and bored....haha




  1. If you are bored then you will get no answer from me and stay ignorant

  2. No. I think it's mythology, there were probably powerful people but over time the stories have become exaggerated like a game of Chinese Whispers.

  3. No .I just think some one kissed the Blarney stone too many times.

  4. nope i don't think that greek gods lived in "olympia "  

    they lived on Mount Olympus !!!.. and now you have bored ME!

  5. Whether they existed or no, Greek Mythology makes great reading material ^_^ If you are bored, pick up a copy and start reading ^^ and for the record, I don't think they were real, but thats just my opinion ^^

  6. yes - they have such a detailed history and you can trace their ancestry and descendants... many of the "Gods" slept with humans and had offspring, who were semi/demi gods like Heracles.  There are countless sources in history that give detailed accounts of encounters with the Olympian family. For example Apollo attending a banquet in Delphi during the time of the Trojan war. The Olympians were a very real and powerful political force during these times, both the Trojans and Achaeans sought their allegeiance which caused a split in the Olympian family....

    The question is, who were they? what made them so powerful so that men called them gods?
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