
Greek desert tortoise is not eating?

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We have a greek desert tortoise who is not eating we gave him dry food when we went out of town and when we came back it was moldy we were wondering if he could be sick

info is appreciated




  1. come on would you eat mouldy food, Greek Tortoises or Spur-Thigh Tortoises should be fed a diet that is very high in fiber, low in protein, and calcium rich diet. They will feed eagerly on a mixed salad of greens and vegetables each day, but you should try to offer as much grass, hay, dandelions, leaves, naturally occurring non-toxic weeds, and Opuntia (spineless) prickly pear cactus pads as possible. A sprinkle of a mineral-vitamin supplement and a quality calcium supplement should be offered on the salad every few times. You can provide a cuttlebone in the enclosure to allow the tortoise to regulate the amount of calcium, however not all tortoises will eat it, so you must be prepared to supplement on the salad instead if the cuttlebone is not used.

       For optimal health, they should be fed fruits only sparingly or not at all. You can offer some melon, apple, and other fruits during the hot summers, but only once every ten days to two weeks. These tortoises should not be fed any dog food or cat food and commercial foods only very seldom as they are prone to renal problems and medical issues related to high protein diets. Kept in the right environment with the proper diet, these tortoises can be very long lived, some specimens have reportedly lived to over 100 years.

       Water should be offered in a flat dish or pan that is large enough for the tortoise to soak in if it desires, but shallow enough that it won't be able to drown. These can be easily cleaned and sterilized once a week or as needed. the meditereanean spurthigh and what people call greeks are not for the inexperienced tortoise keeper they can be prone to illness when they are fed the wrong diet and kept in the wrong enviroment, if you are feeding dry food especially the tortoise pellets your tortoise will get sick, if you leave food to go mouldy they will not eat it and may refuse to eat food afterwards, put your tortoise under some heat you need to have it in the 70's keep offering fresh leafy greens and plenty of fresh water, if your tortoise does not eat with in, 7 days take it to a vet who specialises in tortoises as something is wrong, the slightest upset with these tortoises and they stop eating,

  2. You might want to take him to a vet and see.

  3. My daughter volunteers at a local reptile rescue center and a few years ago we adopted a Greek tortoise..typically they only stop eating when something is wrong.  Greek tortoises are voracious eaters.  You need to call a reptile vet ASAP.  Tortoises can get sick very quickly and once they do, it can get bad fast!!  Good luck...Greek tortoises are awesome pets!!!

  4. moldy food can make anything very sick.

    He needs fresh food. Daily. Chopped mixed greens, vegitables...stuff llike that.

    Go to a reptile vet.

    In the meantime, soak him in a very shallow (1/2 inch) warm water bath to hydrate him, make sure he is warm enough and google food and enviornmental requirements.

  5. He probably atempted to eat the mold left in his food dish. You should probably take him 2 a vet and not expect people on Yahoo answers, people 2 heal your tort. HURRY!!!!!!!!!


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