
Greek history was influenced by Greece's:?

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a. rivers and deltas

b. moutains and sea coast

c. deserts and plains

d. glaciers and forests




  1. Actually apart from the obvious B that is seen with the first look of map, rivers, plains and forests such as they were in their time did make an influence in Greek History.

    Rivers, as life giving and life sustaining elements to neighboring cities.

    Plains, for those cities that were close to them, for the cultivation of the land in producing their food-stock, and the raising of livestock.

    And finally forests, for providing mostly wood for boat making, that made Greece the main nautical power of its era. A position that still holds today.

    Certainly the geographical lay out of the land and the sea coast was the main and most influential part for the History of Greece not only in antiquity but through out the centuries.

  2. There's no desert available in Greece mate...I would have said the most important of all those must be the coastline coz it's not a matter of luck that the most ships in the world r sailing under a greek flag etc etc...

  3. Mountains and sea coast...the mountains made it very hard to farm, affecting Greek culture and settlements. The sea coast enabled them to be excellent traders over the Mediterranean Sea.

  4. Not only was greek history influenced by B (mountains and sea  coast), but greece today continues to be influenced by them.

  5. I have to say this is a strange way to do your homework... LOL :) I guess the new technology brought some interesting possibilities. Anyway, the correct answer is B (pretty logical).

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