
Green Cheek Conure or Green Naped Lory?

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Well, my mom has finally allowed me to get a larger bird, which I am paying for myself using the money I got for selling my flute I used to play.

I saw two hand-fed green cheek conures at petco, and the one in the bottom cage doesn't seem very friendly, it just sits on its perch and pays no attention to me.

The one on the top cage is extremely sweet, and when you wiggle your finger, it lifts up its foot and waves :] I have never seen it play with its toys.

In the middle of the cages is a Green-naped Lory, and I was not planning on getting one, but it is extremely playful and if you move your hand from one side of the cage to another, it will hop to the side you hand is on. It plays with its toys constantly, as well.

I want a bird that is extremely active and interactive. I spend 4 hours a day with Harveii, my budgie, but he doesn't do much.

So, which bird should I get? Thanks so much,





  1. green check conure because they are quiet and are very cuddly birds. Also Lory&#039;s have a special nectar diet which can become expensive and because of there necter diet there p**p is wet and can get very messy. Also if don&#039;t go to pet smart/petco because there are a lot more expensive and there birds tend to Carry disease. So find a breeder if u live in treasure coast florida here a too exotic birds store that have good prices and have green cheek mutations.

    Also if u wnat to see the mutations here Good luck but like i said go to a breeder or one of these store or a mom and pap bird store cause they have cheaper prices&quot;;)

  2. Green naped Lory!

    If you want a bird that has a huge personality and is very active and playful and will play with you and with his toys, then go for a Lory or Lorikeet.

    As mentioned before the only thing is they require a different diet, a good quality nectar mix (which is available commercially and shouldn&#039;t cost too much), some fruit and veggies such as spinach.

    Being nectar feeders, they also have wet droppings, so while odourless they can be very messy, so you would need to keep a vigil on him everytime he is out of the cage, and keep him away from expensive suede furniture!

    Keeping the cage clean is always important, but it is especially important with lorys and lorikeets as their wet droppings can develop bacteria alot quicker then those of birds with a more solid diet.

    Also it is good to get a larger cage with lorys as unlike some birds, they really utilise every inch of space available to them!

    One of my favourite traits of theirs is that some types absolutely love to roll around on their backs, kicking their little feet around in the air!

    Hope this helps!

  3. CONURE, the one at the top, they are really sweet and smart.

  4. do they  have  blue  crown conures? if  they  do u should  get  one  

  5. green cheek conure they are sweet

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