
Green Question... I am looking for a product but I can't remember what it's called.?

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I know I have seen this somewhere before... It's something you put any used paper products into (paper towels, tissure boxes, soda cases, newspapers, etc) and it compacts them into a "log" so you can burn it in a fire pit-for example. Anyone know where I can find this or similar products to help us reuse and reduce?




  1. It looks like the item you are probably referring to is called Newspaper Brick Maker. It costs about $30.00.

    It looks like it produces a brick 10 1/4" x 3 1/2" x 4 3/4".

    It looks like a pretty good product for your purpose.

    It says to 'fill with dampened sheets of paper, press out excess water and let dry. Tightly-formed briquettes light quickly'.

    There is another product which may also be of interest which easily rolls your newspaper into logs for about $38.00

    I can appreciate where you are coming from myself.

    I burn everything I can, mainly in the winter months to supplement my heating. The ashes are a *****, but go into my garden or compost.

    I do think that if I went for the brick design, I would try to use my paper shredder first, just because I would like to compare the difference, and you could use old 'junk mail' mixed in which quite often is much harder to burn on its own.

    Anything extra gets recycled, but some people do not have realistic access or facilities to recycle.

    Sometimes the excess winds up in my compost also.

    I have been recycling, and composting for over 45 years, since I was raised that way. My parents did not believe in wasting anything.

    I do find it interesting how some young people seem to think that burning anything is somehow 'anti-green'!

    Hope this helped a bit.

    Good luck!

  2. It may be a dust bin. Sounds like dat..!!(lol)

  3. I believe your hart is in the right place but there are much better ways to reuse/recycle paper. and I don't think you want all the chemicals released from the different types of paper, never mind the CO2 that would be needlessly released.  I think I would pass on that Winnie roast.

    Recycle with your municipality, or use some of your news papers to add carbon to your compost.

  4. Sounds similar to a trash compactor.

  5. I know what you're talking about! I found this one with a quick search online: It's made for newspapers.

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