
Green Tree Python humidity ideas please.?

by Guest66889  |  earlier

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We have a Green Tree Python and we would like to add humidity to her vivarium. What we would like to do is put a plastic tub in her tank with a water pump to circulate the pump. We would like to also heat the water slightly. We had thought about a heater like what you would put in a fish tank but would that melt the plastic. If the heater would probably melt the plastic do you have any other ideas. We had also thought about putting a small under tank heater on it but that could be dangerous if the plastic melts and it gets wet. The plastic is a "rubbermaid snaptopper" so the plastic is a bit thicker than sterilite boxes.




  1. do some research

  2. Fish tank heater works fine....did the same thing for my python!

  3. First off you haven't said what you're keeping her in.  Why are you having humidity issues?  Humidity for young chondros should be about 80% all the time.  Adults or animals over a year old do fine with allowing the cage to dry out each day to around 60% and then sprayed to bring up the humidity to 90% each night.  I would not use misters or any homemade stuff like you suggest as the fire hazard is too high. You need to correct the housing to make it better able to hold the humidity.  She should either be in a rubbermaid tub if she's a neonate, or a proper arboreal type cage that is designed to hold humidity and heat.  Too much humidity is almost as bad as not enough.  You should always have thermostats to regulate any heat source matter what the use is.

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