
Green card lottery?

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hi im from australia and im looking to apply for the green card lottery to be able to live and work in the u.s

i have finished highschool diploma and have work in the same industry for 2 years im 22 do i have a good chance of winning a green card

is there a large percentage of australians who win the green card lottery?




  1. just play the real lottery,if you hit the jackpot there's no need to migrate.

  2. Hi there! well yes, you may meet the criteria! however you will be pooled in many other applicant who also meet this criteria, and just as the name suggests, there is a drawing, like a lottery, and like a lottery, there is no telling who might win. pretty much random drawing. but hey, why do people go into lotteries? because there is a chance of winning, so id atleast try

    and here is some info to atleast help ya out

    oh and the next lottery will be in '09

  3. If you ahve a special skill you increase your chance - but it is a lottery non the less. You can enter once each year- so it is worth the chance.

    I had a Swiss friend who 'won' being a typesetter- but no longer really worked in that field.  She just applied and got a notice she was in!

  4. You are eligible to apply for it.

    It is totally lucky to be selected.

    Don't forget you can apply only once as primary applicant.

    If you are married and have children, must add your spouse and children(under 21 years old).

    Your spouse too can apply if have the required education or work trainig and experience. So a family can send two application.

    What you need is real Lucky.

    Good Luck.
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