
Green cars?

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Green cars?




  1. Green cars are vehicles that either use reneweable fuel sources, such as biodiesel, ethanol, or electricity; or simply use regular fuel, but less of it (Hybrids are very good examples of the latter category).  I wish that I knew what you were asking, but I really don't, so I can't tell you any more.

  2. Yes, I have to save or invest to get me a Hybrid.

    I am on a goal for 2008...


  3. Great question

    We, human beings have been using Mother Earth's resources for centuries, but not until the last 200 years have we, been destroying and harming our enviorment.

    Cars use vast amounts of fossil fuels being burned and polluting the air. Green cars (hybrid) use less fossil fuels and also are cheaper to travel. These cars can only lessen the already drastic impact of Earth.

    Thank You.

  4. Funny thing about 'questions' they usually have the words, 'who' 'what' 'where' 'when' or 'how' somewhere in the sentance...oh, I re-read what you wrote---its not even a sentance.

    Yes there are green cars, there are also black, white, tan, gold and red cars. I like a lighter color, easier to keep clean.

  5. Green energy is renewable energy, so a green car uses renewable energy such as ethanol, bio diesel, solar power or hydrogen.

  6. Yellow cars?

  7. Green cars are cars that are environmentally friendly. These kind of cars are ethanol cars, electric cars, hydrogen cars, and compressed air powered cars.

  8. Top 100 Green Cars - Yahoo! Autos Green Center

    Take a look at the Top 100 Green Cars at Yahoo! Autos. These cars are selected for environmental friendliness, including fuel-efficiency and impact to the - More from this site

    Yahoo! Autos Green Center

    Visit Yahoo! Autos Green Center to research environmentally-friendly cars. Research hybrids, fuel-efficient & alternative fuel cars, & get vehicle Green

  9. Be careful of alternative fuel cars.  Ethanol produced in the US from corn has a small negative energy as it takes slightly more energy to grow the corn as is recovered in ethanol not to mention the amount of food it is taking off the table for a hungry world.  Bio-diesel may be a better option as the oil from soybeans or canola is more energy efficient and the new diesels are much cleaner as well as having high mileage rates.  Even used cooking oil from restaurants can be filtered and turned into bio-diesel.

  10. Green cars use other fuels that are not fossil fuels. They are earth friendly and use electric; a hydrogen car is in the works by BMV.

  11. At current technology, cars that are "green" tend to be more expensive (a factor of 100% or even more for the vehicle alone) and to some degree harder to operate, often because either the technology provides either shorter range or requires more expensive fuel options than current supplies.

    Presumably this will change as the technology gets better, but for the forseeable future - which I mean at least the next 5 years - "Green" cars will be more expensive - substantially more - and will provide fewer benefits over common vehicle technology.  

    If your own activities are within the restrictions of current "green" vehicle technologies and you are willing to pay a serious premium for the ability to operate a vehicle with slightly less demand on the environment, it might be a good idea.

    A better idea would be to buy a diesel automobile and find out how to convert used grease from local restaurants into biodiesel, if you have the space for a few drums and don't mind doing some chemical mixing you can probably do fueling for under $1.50 a gallon.  Which is one way to "go green" and help in the environment, and save money.

  12. Cars that use less destructive fueling methods.  They are earth friendly more or less.  Use electric, ethanol, etc.  not our normal gas and oil consumers.

  13. Those are vehicles that have a lower impact on the environment than other vehicles like for example the Toyota Prius. These kind of cars have lower emissons and not only hybrids but also alternative fuel cars like the Honda CNG something runs on natural gas.
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