
Green drink?

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My husband and I are ttc so I was planning my soon-to-be pregnancy diet. I am semi-vegetarian, basically eat only chicken (and I don't eat dairy products), but I wanted to go the whole way to vegan for the duration of my pregnancy because my midwife says the baby will be healthier, and its important that I don't introduce my baby to all those nitrates and hormones in meat.

Anyways, I wanted to make green drinks with alfalfa and wheatgrass in them. Does anyone know a good green drink recipe that can have both of those in them without tasting like my lawn.

Also, is a juicer required to make green drink/carrot juices?




  1. To make what your thinking of making - your going to need a juicer.  Just alfalfa and wheatgrass alone won't make a juice.  Your going to have to add other things to them - if only to make it taste like something that you want to drink.

    You need a juicer to make carrot juice.

    To see if it is something that you actually LIKE before putting out the expense of buying a juicer - I would suggest buying a juice by a company called, "R.W. Knudsen" that they call "Mega Green".  It is made with juices and spirulina, chlorella, green grasses - along with a host of other foods.

  2. You know... i really hate to sidestep your question.  But the bigger issue here is depriving your child of the nutrients its going to need during its stages of development.  You need to be very careful of what you put into your body - yes, i agree with that.  But while your pregnant you may have cravings for certain foods... meats included.  This is your body telling you it is lacking specific nutrients needed for proper development of your child.  Maybe iron, or proteins or even beneficial fats that will be necessary.  Go with your body.  Let it guide you during this time.  If you do some research you see that with a lot of mothers it is the complete opposite.  They are vegetarian/vegan and would only eat meat during their pregnancy... because their bodys craved it.  Whatever your baby needs it will take it from your body and that may weaken you in different areas.

    If you are completely set in your mind to do it as your midwife suggests... then you really need to make sure you take prenatal vitamins to compensate for all the things you wont be able to give your child... calcium included, as i see you dont eat dairy.

  3. I'm sorry to re-side step this question.

    The position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada is that "appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases" 1

    "Well planned vegan and other types of vegetarian diets are appropriate for ALL [this includes pregnancy] stages of the life cycles including childhood and adolescence" source 1

    "Appropriately planned vegan and lacto-ovo-vegetarian diets satisfy nutrient needs of infants, children and adolescents and promote normal growth." 2

    Sorry to sidetrack, but I'm not quite sure why the first poster was trying to utilize scare tactics against you. Veganism, done properly, can be beneficial for All stages and cycles of life. If you are having a child. I would highly recommend speaking with a Registered Dietitian whom specializes in either Maternal Nutrition and/or Vegan-vegetarian nutrition. I myself study dietetics at my university (perhaps that is why i became so upset after reading the first post) and plan to specialize in a field other than maternal nutrition. As a vegan myself, I plan to have a vegan pregnancy. Even though I myself will be a practicing registered dietitian at that point. I am still going to make my baby's momma, see a dietitian specializing in maternal nutrition to properly plan for a vegan pregnancy. I strongly urge you to do the same. Your midwife may be a remarkable source, but a Registered Dietitian whom specializes in maternal nutrition is essential.  Good Life and Thanks for making such a great life choice for you and your new child.

    For your actual question:

    Bananas are great at masking unpleasant flavors, though they won't work in most juicers. (unless you purchase a gourmet juicer.)

  4. Yes, a juicer is required to make green drinks and veggie/fruit juices - I've heard positive things about the Omega, Samson, and Greenstar brands.  I would recommend you get a juicer that is specifically for juicing leafy greens - the usual juicers are not as well-equipped to handle things like alfalfa, wheatgrass, or even spinach.  They do not produce as much juice, and the grasses can get clogged in the gears.  If you want to try and hide the taste of wheatgrass in your juices, you can just juice a stronger tasting fruit - oranges for example would work well - to mix into the wheatgrass/alfalfa juice.  Some really great juice combinations that I love are: two apples, 2 carrots, one lemon, alfalfa, and a thumb sized piece of ginger; and wheatgrass with an entire pineapple.  So refreshing!      

    And by the way, there are absolutely no nutrients that your child will need that you can't obtain through delicious, high-quality vegan sources.  Can your midwife work with a registered dietician to help you plan out balanced meals?  There are plenty of resources and support groups online that can help you out - a pregnant friend of mine really likes  

    Best of luck with a healthy vegan pregnancy!
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