
Green electricity?

by Guest63846  |  earlier

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How can an electricity supplier claim that their electricity is more green or cleaner than another company's? Doesn't it all come from the National Grid? Surely they just act as selling agents for the National Grid?




  1. I'm not sure where you live, but in the UK there are some companies that put a large proportion of investment into new green energy, compared to others with a 2% commitment. Think of it as wise investment. I use ecotricty. see energy watch link

    All energy has some impact on the environment ie hydro on aquatic wildlife, wind on bats and birds. An impact assessment can help in siting these projects. At this stage there needs to be a more mixed proportion, hopefully phasing out the fossils, and through energy saving home build etc.

  2. In my opinion, you are correct. But, remember, green energy is always better then blue energy.

  3. All electricity coming from same grid. But producing methods are different. Normally companies make electricity from coal but  now they are increasing percentages of air and water.

    More information how does that work go to this link.

  4. I think you are absolutely right, I suppose it is just a sales gimmick.

  5. I believe that the most green electricity today

    is COW-POWER or Hydro. I think Nuclear

    power is the worst because of the wasted fuel

    rods but GW says its our greenest.

    Republican thinking go figure!

  6. U R RIGHT

  7. Biofuel electricity is green.

  8. it does all come off the grid but the more people that want to use green energy is suppose to increase the percentage of power generated from green energy sources.  I sy suppose to as it is not necessarily possible to use green energy at the exact time that you need it and energy is therefore utsed from non green sources and they try to even  this out over a periodn of time.

  9. TRUE once it's "on the grid" you can't tell it from any other electricity, but to be fair some electricity is produced by air turbins & water turbins which is a lot "GREENER" than that produced by coal, or nuclear driven generators
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