
Green heroes of the glorious republic?

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  1. So, they are heroes of Napoleonic France or communist China. Either way we all need to plant a tree and walk to work!

  2. Summarizes the dilemma we all have from macro to micro level; how to live in this world sustainably when the dominant system is money based consumerism.

    I try to consider my own actions, my own consumption of limited natural resources as this is were I have the most power to make positive change. How much more difficult to be an activist if I was arrested for planting trees.

  3. Well good luck to those guys. China certainly needs to up its green credentials.

  4. to heather.....if china strengthens it's environmental laws too much, that will cost money and they will be at threat of losing all of our corporate owned factories spewing tons of pollution both in the water and air....we will then move all of our c**p to india, the phillipeans, el salvador, etc......(and it is a long etc........)and THEY will then be the biggest far as i am concerned, as long as we have a global economy, the global pollution is a problem from us all, for us all

  5. Its unbelievable how much illegal rainforest lumber China buys each year.

    Not too mention China is number one on the greenhouse gas emitters list ( I am a geologist as well as a conservationist, I believe that global warming is not only driven by human action but also by a very natural process)

    My brother goes to China on business twicce a year and tells me that raw sewage runs through the streets. China has no real solid environmental body in  place to govern such actions. Noone cares.

    While Ive read China is in a transitional period as far as environmental awareness goes, they are waaaaay behind the rest of the world, even some third-world countries (which btw is unfortunatly how many Chinese live..what a **** governemnt)

    Have you seen or read how they treat their people? Its God awful.

    Im not a fan of Chinese governemnt.


    Please understand I do not by any stretch of the imaginagtion deny our Huge green house gas emissions issue....

    I also understand that China makes over 80% of the wolrd's toys along with many other things we buy here in the US.

    I also feel that in many cases the US should be self-sufficient, as many of our South American counterparts are. Importing less and comsuming more of our own product.

    However, I do understand that doing so now would be detrimental to our economy and if this were ever to be possible it would have to be done in a series of many phases which would take decades.

    The point I was trying to make was. China is way behind the  environmental. Human rights in China is a huge issue and often people are treated very poorly.  population and general space is becoming a problem as well

    With that said, I am environmental scientist and geologist, so global warming to me has to sides to it.

    1) human action

    2) natural processes (recorded in geologic history)

    So, in that case I am no extreme environmentalist who thinks China and every other emissions contributers is the devil, lol.

    I know its necessary.

  6. Thanks for the link.  

    Answer:  Yes.

  7. Yawn

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