
Green house tax solves global warming?

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Green house tax solves global warming?




  1. Nope, Taxes and Government as a rule create more problems than they solve.

  2. No new taxes.  In case you didn't hear me - NO NEW TAXES.  In case you didn't understand - NO #$*&@! NEW TAXES!!!!!!!!!!

  3. It is another demonstration that GW is a political issue and it is being taken advantage of by the socialists (i.e democrats and most of the rest of the world).

  4. No,  but it will be another way generate revenue for the government.  And they do such a wonderful job of managing money.

  5. SCAM

    TAX & CONTROL give your $$$$ and your life to world bank $$$$ to WTO

    Bankers need your backing

    World Bank accused of climate change "hijack"

    By Ed Cropley

    BANGKOK (Reuters) - Developing countries and environmental groups accused the World Bank on Friday of trying to seize control of the billions of dollars of aid that will be used to tackle climate change in the next four decades.

    "The World Bank's foray into climate change has gone down like a lead balloon," Friends of the Earth campaigner Tom Picken said at the end of a major climate change conference in the Thai capital.

    "Many countries and civil society have expressed outrage at the World Bank's attempted hijacking of real efforts to fund climate change efforts," he said.

    Before they agree to any sort of restrictions on emissions of the greenhouse gases fuelling global warming, poor countries want firm commitments of billions of dollars in aid from their rich counterparts.

    However, developing countries want climate change cash to be administered through the existing United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), which they feel is much less under the control of the Group of 8 (G8) richest countries.

    "Generally we have been unpleasantly surprised by the funds," said Ana Maria Kleymeyer, Argentina's lead negotiator at the meeting.

    "This is a way for the World Bank and its donor members to get credit back home for putting money into climate change in a way that's not transparent, that doesn't involve developing countries and that ignores the UNFCC process," she said.

  6. How can tax, solve, government be used in the same sentence ?

  7. Just like the War on Poverty, a War on Carbon just means that we'll have more of it, and the problem will never go away.  After all, why would a bureaucrat work to eliminate his position?

  8. In theory, it could, but not assured given the misguided way that many governments are accustomed to operating.

    Consider the Los Angeles proposal: a $.09 tax per gallon on gasoline or a $90 annual fee payable with registration.

    People have calculated that it would take about $100-120 per person to completely offset a person's annual carbon emissions, so that must be what Los Angeles will do with the money, right?

    No, they will immediately redirect the funds to mass transit.  So mass transit will reduce carbon, right?  No, the fees come from gas bought by consumers to operate individual cars, and zero of the money will be used to offset their impact, then the money goes to fund putting additional busses on the road (increasing impact).  

    Consumers will see the $90 bill and believe that they're contributing to the solution, so they'll be highly unlikely to voluntarily buy additional offsets.  They'll also then be less likely to vote for additional state or federal progams that might have a much more tangible effect on carbon levels.

    Any greenhouse taxes must go directly towards measurable reductions.  We have good examples (Denmark) and bad ones (Norway) from the past 20 years that we can learn from:

    On Carbon, Tax and Don’t Spend

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