
Green ideas for my club....?

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i am the vice president of my school's "green" club, also known as the environment club. this is my last year in high school, and i really want to make a big difference in the school. we have already implemented a recycling system, but i feel that's not enough. i've come up with ideas for raffling off green items, but any more ideas? anything is appreciated.




  1. A school in England made morsbags and gave them out to people.  The children were in the 6th grade and they've done it for 2 years now.  The bags are really easy to make.  The idea behind them is to promote the use of reusable shopping bags.  You make the bags and then give them to people for free.  To find out more info you can go to

  2. I am working with my sons High School Earth Club. We are working on encouraging students to "Complete the Cycle, buy Recycled" We are asking all the teachers and admin to put the message on back to school messages and school supply lists. We will give out little green ribbons for students who go back to school with recycled products or bring recycled copy paper, paper towels and tissues for class use.

    A few other ideas they are considering:

    -An organic/recycled fashion show: cotton is a very pesticide intensive crop, so we encourage organic cotton, wool, wood modal, and bamboo, as well as recycled polyester for clothing.

    -reducing waste in the cafeteria, as well as looking for compostable plates and utensils instead of plastic.

    -work with the school computer techs to set all printers to automatically do double sided.

    -have an earthday festival in the spring, with ideas on how to reduce your impact on the earth.

    -an alternate fuel/hybrid car show.

    My favorit book on going green is The Green Book, you can check it out online at

  3. planting trees. maple trees so then you can collect the seeds and plant them too. people are destroying our raainforest when 40% of our oxygen comes from there. maybe u can do stuff to help the rainforest. also spread the word about this with flyers.

    also...stop junk mail. thousands of trees are wasted daily in the US because of junk mail. to stop this u need to mail a letter to this address:

    Mail Peference Service

    Direct Marketing Association

    11 West 42nd St.

    PO Box 3861

    New York, NY 10163-3861

    i also have a club called Secet Names. We find ways to help the earth. our contact is: if u have questions or comments.

  4. There are many things you can do to help your school try to go more green!

    ~Of course, recycle everything you can! (Paper, cans, bottles)

    ~Try to use fewer paper and plastic products

    ~See if the school could turn off extra lights whenever possible

    ~See if the kitchen could use eco friendly products in replace of regular dish washing liquids, soaps, cleaners, ect.

    ~Plant trees and plants around your school

    ~Convince students to walk or ride a bike to school

    ~See if the school could switch to energy saving light bulbs

  5. well, i would maybe have people in the club, come together and clean up the outside of the school, plant some flowers and pick up any trash on the ground. you could also talk about your school getting lights that are more environmentally friendly, talk to teachers about turning off their computers when they don't need them, make sure every class turns there lights off when they leave the room. and umm, hmm, maybe organize a big group to not only help your school, but with permission if that is necessary, clean up  public places like parks, or fields, or anywhere else for that matter. hope that helps! :)

  6. it's a very good idea to organise a green club.First of all collect the waste and keep the surroundings clean.then ofcourse this waste can be degraded and used afterwards.

    then plant the small plants irrespective of flowering &non flowering.

                  u can also organise small shows like on any functions day in u'r school so that all are aware of use of plantation.

  7. throw flowers on the principal, peace dude .V.., turn around, oopsy doopsy one fell down. ..I..

  8. Get as much green spray paint as you can, and paint graffiti all over the school. It's fun!

    Seriously though, you have a recycling plan in place, but you didn't mention what is done with the income from the recycling. Use it to buy recycled paper for the less fortunate kids in your school.

    What was that old saying? Give a man a fire, keep him warm for a day. Set him on fire, keep him warm for the rest of his life... No no that's not it. Something about fish and feeding him. Anyway how about having some classes to teach others how to recycle? That might just do it because your recycling program is giving them their fish (or fire), and teaching them to recycle is setting them wait, it's the same as teaching them to fish! That's a possible long term change in their way of life, and would be a big difference. Remember to make it interesting!

  9. you shloud plants trees or pick up trash

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