
Green light "aura" in pictures

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Hi all!

This is probably such a stupid question but does anyone now anything about colored lights surrounding peoples heads in photo

Just curiouse b/c in a few different pictures the same person has a "green aura" around their head & I was just wondering if anybody had some paranormal reasoning/thoughts about it

also do different colors mean different things?




  1. would love to see the images

  2. It's probably backlighting of the subject.

    However, there is a type of photography, called Kirlian, that uses electrical fields on film or photosensitive paper. At one time it was extolled as showing the subject's "aura". However, it was scientifically disproven and went out of fashion as believers moved on to other New Age things like crystals, iridology, and a host of other, um, special phenomena.

  3. You are asking for an opinion of an image we can not see. Most ghost hunters think these images are bunk...easily explained by lens and dust. Why not post them?

  4. As far as the colors go, anything other than vibrant puce means the person is going to die a violent, horrible death at the hands of rabid, mutant hobbits wielding Salad Shooters and spatulas.

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