
Green means go?is it me or does anyone else notice that this concept is difficult for some to grasp?

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I was drivning down pacific coast highway this morning,and I had to drive around like 2 different idiots -who were drivig,had no cars in front of them,nothing but green lights-yet they still had to frequently hit their breaks. no,I wasn't tailgating, I saw them a couple blocks before I had to pass them up.

I was just wondering,does anyone else notice that idiots have issues going when the light turns green, why is this concept so difficult to grasp?




  1. That's why I don't carry a shotgun in my car.

    Well, that and people who suddenly decide to swerve across three lanes of traffic and slam on their brakes directly in front of you.

    I've taken to driving as if everyone else was trying to kill me - it's not far from the truth (especially if I'm on my motorcycle).

  2. You're young and ALWAYS in a hurry aren't you?

    SOME of us have matured a little and have come to the conclusion that all that hurrying and speeding gets you nothing but speeding tickets and stress, so we've slowed down a little.

    Try it. You'll like it.

  3. That's annoying. It's also annoying when people think they're exempt from having to indicate left and right. Old people, polish people and BMW drivers are usually the main offenders. I sometimes wonder how some people even managed to pass their driving test.

  4. Obviously they have not grasped the "yellow means go very, very fast" concept

  5. thats what happens when people are self pleasauring themselves at the red light

  6. Pls forgive them who make mistakes or the wrong driving acts because they are just people who are old, young, stupid or idiot.

  7. I agree with the others, either old and it takes a minute to kick in or they're too busy texting or talking on their cell phones.

  8. My dad does that.  I think it is a prerequisite for turning 70.

  9. In my town some people start braking on the green and keep braking as they run the red. I think its something that has come up from Mexico.  People didn't run red lights when I started driving and now its pretty common, here.

  10. Maybe they were text messaging or talking on their cell phone.

    Cell phone + driver = idiot.

  11. It is not difficult to grasp, American are getting stupider by the minute. Most are not smarter than a 4-way stop sign.

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