
Green p plates?

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I'm from Victoria and i got my P's in march this year because i heard the new green P plates were coming into force effective july 1st this year, all was good untill i got sent a letter from vicroads today issueing me green P plates...what does this mean? i thought that if i already had my P's i didnt have to get the green ones. I'm confussed...




  1. Don't stress!

    I'll try simplify it for you; us current P-platers (everyone who got their Ps before July 1st 2008) are still on our own laws, they're not threatened in any way, shape or form.

    But in conjunction with the new laws, what we're on is called the P2 license, and what everyone under 21 who goes for their Ps after July 1st 2008 is going to go on is called the P1 license - which is the same thing but with a passenger restriction only between the age group 16-21.

    Now, what VicRoads has put in place is that P2 license carriers must display GREEN P plates July 1st 2008 onwards, and everyone with a P1 license will be required to display RED P plates.

    So they sent us current P-platers Green P plates in the mail so we can start displaying them.

    I'd put them on asap as well, because after July 1st if you get pulled over and don't have the correct ones on, then you lose 3 demerit points.

  2. yes im confused as well, my brother also got green p-lates sent to him today wen he thuoght he didnt have to have them, im not quite sure why, but yes u have to have em for a year! blows to the Xtreme doesnt it??

  3. lol, do not panic. I too got sent green p plates and by looking at vicroads website and the accompanying letter i can divine that all Current Red Platers, including you, must now put green plates up. (1st July 2008 Onwards)

    Basically us 'old' platers still have our 3 year P plate period it's just that with the new laws our plates are no longer red but green.

    That is all. So you did right in getting in before new laws it's just your plates go from red to green and still last 3 years.

    Hope this helped.

  4. if you read the accompanying letter it well tell you that you are not apart of this new restriction stuff. the reason we got green p plates is to differentiate us from them. in other words, the green p plates are for the 'old' p platers - those who got their p's before the new restrictions. They're very ugly though.
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