
Green party of canada?

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do you think they should be allowed to participate in the federal election debate now they have a federal M.P




  1. absolutely they should be allowed.

    The Bloc debates, and they dont even field candidates across the country

  2. I believe ALL registered parties should be given equal time.

  3. Absolutely.

    It shouldn't have been necessary for them to have an MP to get included in the debates.  Over 600,000 Canadians voted for the Greens in 2006, 4.5% of voters.  The Greens get Canadian taxpayer dollars, therefore Canadians taxpayers have a right to see them debate.  They had candidates in all 308 ridings in 2006, whereas the Bloc only had candidates in Quebec ridings, and THEY were included.  

    Besides, having May in the debates will make the debates far more interesting.  One vibrant, interesting lady vs. 4 guys with the personality of wet macaroni.  I'll watch her anytime, but if she's not in the debates, I'll just yawn and change the channel.  
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