
Green pool water, all chemicals are pretty much in balance, now what? HELP?

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Green pool water, all chemicals are pretty much in balance, now what? HELP?




  1. algea is defineteley your problem.  give it time to circulate (aprox. 6 hours) also make sure your filters arn't dirty, backwash if needed, and you can get some chemicals to help with the algea.

    if chemicals are "pretty much" in balence, it may not be good enough, make sure they are all in balence.

  2. Call a pool cleaning company for advice.

    You may have algae growing because it is too hot or too cold. Not enough circulation.

  3. Steps to clear water are fairly simple.

    1/ Proper water balance. That means total alkalinity between 80- 120. pH between 7.2 - 7.6  and chlorine at least 1.5 at all times other than when you shock the pool once a week.

    2/ A properly functioning and clean filter.

    Really...that's it. If you're missing one of the above, you're pool will turn on you. Getting it back just requires all the above and the addition of a little extra sanitizer. Enough to get past break point chlorination ( more good guys, the chlorine....than bad guys, the algae). The addition of a decent algaecide helps too. It'll keep your chlorine cost down and get you swimming a little quicker. If you decide to add some, use what's called a poly quat, nothing else. It's more expensive, but works. The cheaper stuff requires so much to do the same job that it may actually cost more to do the same work and take longer to boot. Read the active ingredients. If it mentions methyldi...( name so long I can't spell it) then move on. That's the cheap stuff.

  4. go to your local pool store and ask them for help, it sounds like you have an alge bloom and there are chemicals to treat it.

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