
Greenhouse gases solution?

by Guest60236  |  earlier

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are there any solution to limit the greenhouse gases emission?

what can we do?what is the future of the earth's climate change?




  1. We have the technology to clean up our mess. But it is a grass roots movement that governments are not embracing. A pollution surcharge, renewable energy, stop burning anything except to power something. We all have to change, we all have to do right. Humans run 50 trillion dollars worth of stuff that runs on cheep oil, coal, and natural gas. We must have 20 Trillion dollars worth of renewable resources with in the next 10 years if we are to save our home planet. This includes airplanes that are renewable-to see them go to is a soon to be charity-I am the founder.

    Have fun

  2. No, no solutions. It's too late. We will be like the frog in hot water. Doesn't feel it's heating until it gets boiled. One day, in the distant future, we will all fry like a fried egg, and we won't even know before it's too late!

  3. Stop eating beans it will reduce the gas.

  4. plant trees, stop burning fuel that was once buried deep in our earth and producing additional greenhouse gas that would otherwise not be there, and get a clue?? I don't know...

  5. To answer the second question:: there are going to be some climate changes due to global warming, no matter what we do--simply because there is no quick way to get rid of the excess CO2.  But how bad it gets depends on what we  do.  I f nothing gets done, its going to get very bad.  The estimates are that , among other things, we will have a permanent population of at least 150 million refugees due to coastal flooding. Regions such as the US Southwest may also have to reduce their populations--there because of reduced water supply.  Agricultural production will falll-possibly causing widespread famines.

    We can stop it from getting that bad. The solutions are basically straightforward--and the technology required is current available--it just has not been implemented.   Three areas that need to be addressed (I've included an example or explanation  of each.

    a) Switch to more energy -efficient systems, thus reducing the use of fossil fuels (example: build more fuel-efficient cars--we have the technology to reduce gasoline consumption by about a third without increasing costs to consumers or reducing safety or performance standards).

    b) Produce energy using alternative technologies (solar, wind, nuclear, etc.)

    c) Reforestation (planting trees) The first two items reduce CO2 emissions.  Reforestation takes CO2 already in the atmosphere out and sequesters (stores) it in the wood of the trees as they grow.

  6. There are a lot of climate change solutions, and it is achievable to limit our warming to 2 degrees, but we must change our behaviour significantly.

    Supporting renewable energy

    Driving your car less

    Getting a smaller car or getting rid of your car altogether

    Composting your waste


    These are just the beginning... do one or two things, like change your light bulbs to compact fluorescent and starting riding to work and this will make a measurable difference.

    Good luck

  7. The thing is that the problem isn't existing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  We would still be screwed eventually even if we cleaned up all the man-made greenhouse gases in the air.  The thing people need to focus on is prevention.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  We need to prevent more emissions.  As an individual, you can cut down your own emissions by using less a/c and heating and turinging off appliances and lights when not in use.  Also, if you visit, you can calculate an estimate of your carbon footprint, and learn ways to reduce it.  Carbon dioxide is just one greenhouse gas, but it is one of the ones we are creating the most.

    As a group of people, we need to unite to stop big companies from producing so many emissions.  We need to show corporate America that it will eventually cost more to cleanup the mess than it would to just set limits now.

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